
A legal institution licensed in the United Kingdom under number 14959102 and with a nature of work that includes the activities of patent and copyright agents; other legal activities not classified elsewhere according to Law No. 69109.

  • Accreditation

    The Justice Agency for International Arbitration is accredited by the UK Academic Support Accreditation Service ASAS EDUCATION under the Nature of Business Act No. 69109 in the United Kingdom (England and Wales) which covers areas of law including international arbitration centers (consultation, conciliation and arbitration service, management audit consultancy services, management consultancy activities, marketing management consultancy activities, comprehensive planning, structuring and monitoring of organizational consultancy services, policy formulation consultancy services, production management consultancy services (other than construction), profit improvement program consultancy services, strategic business plan consultancy services, industrial development consultancy services, human resource management consultancy services, operational advice, guidance and assistance services in relation to business policy and strategy, management-labor arbitrators, business consultancy activities, business consultant, business development consultancy services, economist, management consultancy services, inventory, tourism development consultancy services, business systems consultant, legal activities not elsewhere classified, legal documentation and certification activities, legal examination activities.

    All courses, programmes, workshops and diplomas offered by the Intellectual Property Justice Agency are supported by CI Justice and International Suleiman University is accredited by the UK International Accreditation Service for Schools, Colleges and Universities ASIC, ASIC is recognised by the UK Government, is a member of CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA and listed in their international directory, is a member of BQF (British Quality Foundation) and institutional members of EDEN (European Distance Education and E-Learning Network).